If you will be sending us a check that is drawn from a foreign bank, please multiply the amount due by the exchange rate below.
NOTE: Do not send a check drawn on a foreign bank good for US funds. We have to pay a big fee for that. We CAN deposit checks for a foreign currency without penalty. That is the exact opposite of what you would expect, but that is the way it is.
So if you're from France, send us a check for Francs, If you're from England send us a check for Pounds etc... etc...
Australia: x 1.45 = 1 US Dollar
Belgium: x 33.00 = 1 US Dollar
Brazil: x 1.10 = 1 US Dollar
Britain: x 0.75 = 1 US Dollar
Canada: x 1.50 = 1 US Dollar
Denmark: x 6.10 = 1 US Dollar
France: x 6.00 = 1 US Dollar
Greece: x 240 = 1 US Dollar
Germany: x 1.60 = 1 US Dollar
Italy: x 1800 = 1 US Dollar
Ireland: x 0.75 = 1 US Dollar
Isreal: Cannot accept checks for Isreal.
Japan: Cannot accept checks for Japan.
Netherlands: x 1.75 = 1 US Dollar
New Zealand: x 1.55 = 1 US Dollar
Norway: x 6.60 = 1 US Dollar
Singapore: x 1.50 = 1 US Dollar
Spain: x 140 = 1 US Dollar
South Korea: Cannot accept checks for South Korea.
Sweden: x 7.20 = 1 US Dollar
Switzerland: x 1.35 = 1 US Dollar
Taiwan: x 29.00 = 1 US Dollar
Thailand: x 27.00 = 1 US Dollar
If your exchange rate is not on this list or seems out of date, you can find the current rate from your bank or look it up in the newspaper on a daily basis.